RS Electric Boats, the sister company to RS Sailing, unveiled its electric RIB earlier this year, a boat that’s said to be the highest level of sustainable construction of any boat in its sector.
Constructed with sustainability as its primary focus alongside zero emissions, Pulse58 is destined to challenge habits, spark passion amongst its users and redefine the standard.
Pulse58’s sustainable construction comprises bio-based infused epoxy resin, recycled PET core material, and naturally sourced basalt and flax fibres (which are incredibly strong and energy absorbing). The resulting innovative laminate is said to be lightweight and long lasting, even in the most extreme environments.
The custom formulated PRO-SET bio-based infusion epoxy is supplied by Wessex Resins and Adhesives. The PRO-SET bio-based infusion epoxy resin has a 36% bio content which will yield approximately 27% bio content within the cured epoxy matrix. Its raw materials are co-products, or waste products, of other industrially important processes. These materials do not compete with food sources or displace food-based agriculture, thus providing a sustainable source.
The Pulse58 is the product of two years of development.
Its hull has been purposely designed for its electric drive. The tunnel hull form and long waterline length giving decreased low speed drag to suit the instant torque of electric power, while providing a stable and manoeuvrable platform at speed. The battery bank, deep in the hull, lowers the centre of gravity increasing comfort. Hypalon tubes and an integral cockpit non-slip floor combine to give a high quality and long-lasting finish.
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